How add a complex library to SC

Dear all,
I’m trying to insert a library into SC.
Going to Tools/Library/Public/New I reach a sort of blank application page where to insert the class code (I suppose…)
In my situation the class is more complex that a unique php program.
If you see the library you have

within /libraryname/PHPWord you got many other folders and programs…

In this situation how can I use SC in order to have a deploy result that is comprehensive of this folders and libraries withous everytime copy all and past on a new additional deploy folder . I hope you would understand also if my content it’s not so tech… :wink:
In short what I have to do ??

First of all you only need to worry about deployment the first time. After that you can only deploy your php applications.If I deploy I useually upload to my local webserver first for an additional test outside of SC and then upload the lot to the main server which includes my own libs as well. It takes some time, but it’s running in the background. I use FileZilla for that.