How can I add new fonts ?

I have problem with the Turkish characters displaying in ReportPDF. I couldn’t find any way to show ş,ğ,ı and some other characters.
This problem occurs in on ReportPDF forms. In grid app or other form apps are all OK.

I think that problem is related with fonts used creating the pdf. Is there any suggestion how can I add new tttype fonts like arial Tur or others.
Any other solution or advice will be greatly appreciated.


mehmet.akturk - I have problems with čć??đ - Slovenian, Croatian fonts.

I tried everything - then I gave up. I love SC, but for some things I am using other software also. I am coding reports in other software.
I hope they managed this in new version. I cannot wait for it.

UPDATE: I use this

You have functions to add new fonts within the tcpdf lib. Not much fonts are by default there because of copyrights. So if you need them you can convert your existing fonts into a font that tcpdf is using, but it’s on your own ‘risk’.

Like everything about ScriptCase, especially updates.

Funny man :wink:

Thank you Albert.
I think I will use another tool for printing and some reporting jobs. I found Stimulsoft ReportFx and still examining the features and integration with Scriptcase. Unfortunately reporting and printing tools are still very poor in Scriptcase8. Is there any development plan for reporting and printing in next coming version ? Anyone know ?

[QUOTE=mehmet.akturk;38425]Thank you Albert.
…Unfortunately reporting and printing tools are still very poor in Scriptcase8…[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately reporting and printing tools are still very poor in PHP…