How can I send a email notification?


I need to send a simple email notification to a user, when someone create a register in the system, but the send simple email code in the right side of the Event AJAX is disabled, please tell me how can activate this option or tell me is I need to setup some configuration in ScriptCase to do this.


Eduardo C?zares

Re: How can I send a email notification?


I know that is possible to send email in scriptcase, please someone tell me how can I send a email to an administrator that someone create a New register.

Thanks a lot.


Eduardo Cazares

Re: How can I send a email notification?

Have you tried sc_mail_send()?

  sc_mail_send( $smtp_server,$smtp_user,$smtp_pass,$email_from,$email_to,$email_subject,$email_body,'H',$cc_list,'CCC',$smtp_port,$smtp_auth,"");
  if ({sc_mail_ok} == false) {
   return false;
  } else {
   echo 'Request information has been emailed to: '.$email_to.' - CC to: '.$cc_list;
   return true;


Re: How can I send a email notification?

I have defined SMTP server information in ‘System Settings’. Instead of repeating the server data every time I call sc_mail_send(), is there a way to access the settings variables?

BTW, the email function worked for me as soon as I got the server information and SSL settings defined.