How can we change currency for PayPal paiment


Does anybody know a little more about PayPal payment ?

I am searching the option that permits me to change the currency for PayPal payment, I need euros and Swiss Francs.

Thanks in advance.

Hello I’m having the same problem, did you already figure out how to exchange currency ?


You can do that in paypal itself… Manage currencies. I little bit of searching in google should show how paypal does that.

I made a webinar regarding integration of Paypal which you can find on the Scriptcase pages:

That is not true… Today I’ve talked with PayPal customer service, it needs to send a currency_code variable to PayPal !

you can try out using this simple html form :

<form action=“” method=“post”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“cmd” value="_xclick">
<input type=“hidden” name=“business” value="" >
<input type=“hidden” name=“item_name” value=“Union Jack Flag”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“amount” value=“20”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“currency_code” value=“EUR”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“undefined_quantity” value=“1”>
<input type=“image” src=“” border=“0” name=“submit” width=“73” height=“44”>

As you can see the <input type=“hidden” name=“currency_code” value=“EUR”> lets you to pay in € instead of $

How can we set that variable using ScriptCase ?

Raimondo Zoroddu

Did you checked Albert’s webinar?

Yes of course !
there’s only one point where he talks about currency.
He tryed to send to paypal, via th amount variable, an amount with the currency symbol, like 50?, and PayPal refused the transaction. But he didn’t explane hou to send the righ currency value !

May be you could have some useful suggestion on it ? I really hope so, it’s so urgent for us :frowning:

Thank you for answer
Raimondo Zoroddu

Sorry, didnt tried, dont have any suggestion, just to send the var as you suggested in your post

Yes but… How could we send it ? We are talking of a ScriptCase control application. How could you send a new hidden parameter, as it could be currency_code parameter, on a PayPal submit button, wich is not a “normal” submit button but an “onClick” Javascript send button ?

Thank you !
Raimondo Zoroddu

I didnt saw Albert webinar since a lot of time, but AFAIR he do it manual, not using PayPal object

Perfect , please do you remember how or could you please have a contact with him to know how, o we could share this very important information to all the ScriptCase Community ?

Thank you
Raimondo Zoroddu

[QUOTE=rzoroddu;38468]Perfect , please do you remember how or could you please have a contact with him to know how, o we could share this very important information to all the ScriptCase Community ?

Thank you
Raimondo Zoroddu[/QUOTE]

He wrote some posts before.

[QUOTE=Giu;38473]He wrote some posts before.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for answering but I perfectly know his webinar.

The truth is thas SCRIPTCASE HAS A BIG BUG with PayPal integration, it is unable to send the [mc_currency] variable and then all ScriptCase users won’t be unable to pay in other currency then $ USD dollars…

Now, after a week of workarounds, I made it myself …

Sorry to say that I had no help at all from Scriptcase Ticketing System or ScriptCaseForum Community.


[QUOTE=rzoroddu;38609]Thank you for answering but I perfectly know his webinar.

The truth is thas SCRIPTCASE HAS A BIG BUG with PayPal integration, it is unable to send the [mc_currency] variable and then all ScriptCase users won’t be unable to pay in other currency then $ USD dollars…

Now, after a week of workarounds, I made it myself …

Sorry to say that I had no help at all from Scriptcase Ticketing System or ScriptCaseForum Community.


I can’t talk about Scriptcase Support, but, for ScriptCaseForum Community, you must understand not all people know all.

I consider myself an advanced user, but I didn’t used paypal integration yet. For this reason, I can’t help on this. Maybe others forum members is in the same situation.

Albert is on holidays. Maybe when he come back can throw some words about this, don’t know.

SC hasn’t implemented the currency unfortunately. In general the used currency is adapted to your default setting in Paypal. So if your main account is in Euro’s the transaction will be in Euro’s afaik. But this is not how it should be and I would welcome an update on this part. Unfortunately SC is not always listening as I requested this a long time ago.