How create button within one container to go to a menu app or other form/grid ?

I got a container with 2 or 3 widgets .
I’m wondering how to insert a button on header/footer of the application within the widget to exit of container and go to other menu/form/grid.

I did 2 attempts using …

PHP Button : sc_redir(menu/form/grid) ;

JS Button ; window.location.href="…/app_menu/app_menu.php" ;

but both of them run internally to the widget … so … not possible to use them at all.

On container there is no any reference to a possible button .


I think my question is the same as this, not sure, but I will ask it here anyway to avoid a duplicate post. Normally when one used sc_redir it simply opens the app in the same iframe, leaving the menu tab the same. But if the app is in fact in another menu tab, how do we redirect it to that tab and open it there? In other words I want to redirect to a menu tab. Is that possble?

I have long thought that this should be the default, not a tricky piece of code, as pretty much all my projects end up with the illogical state where the menu heading and the app it contains are no the same. But does anyone have a tricky bit of code, or simple one, to redirect to the menu tab? Taking that one step further, would it be possible to pass parameters as one does in an sc_redir