How customize the new connection screen ??


I have to write a user manual about installing by itself a project.
When you access the very first time to new project SC asks you to make login using “scriptcase” as password and then to define the final password for production environment.
I woul like to customize both the png and the password using the logo of project.
Where is hidden the .png of the login page (see image) and where is possible to change the first password “scriptcase”.
Many thanks


first one can be found by deploying locally on your pc in a wamp environment and run a search through it for the image. Bit work, but you should be able to find it. The second issue is more difficult as the psw is stored MD5 somewhere and the application is zend encoded. So you might be able to find the md5 string somewhere in the application.

Logo -> _lib\prod\img\logoLogin71.png
Password: Check for _lib\prod\lib\php
m_ini_manager2.php line 74

Thanks Giu. Using F12 finally I got it !! Bye