How do I fix this connection error?

I opened up my SC one day to discover my apps no longer connect to the database (everything was denied access from Edit Connection.) I had not changed anything and in fact, my other MySQL client, SQLYog, still connects to the very same database with same parameters.

The only thing that had changed on my system was installation of docker. Since SQLYog works, I figured something has gone wrong with SC installation so I exported all apps and did a fresh install in entirely new folder, requested new license and imported back into the new install on version 8.1.0064. Still I had the same problem so I deleted the connection and created a new connection. Now trying to regenerate the apps I get a long list of errors starting with “256 = the connection parameters were not informed…”

​I have attached the error in 1st pic below. 2nd pic shows that nothing is wrong with the params: testing connection works fine!!!

​Does anyone have an idea how to resolve as I have already installed fresh ?




Windows or linux?
On windows: check the path and the dlls that are loaded when scriptcase is running. Grab your tool from the sysinternals suite (just google it) and take process explorer.
Check which dlls are actually running under the apache process it should be the ones that are from the scriptcase apache dir. Similar it goes for the php dll’s.