How hide the menu items depending on group membership

I did three level of membership groups. Top , Medium, Low.
Using Tools\Espress edit I flagged to on all application and all to YES.
I’ve applied all security module and now I’m trying to use the groups/applications matching (table form with all flag fields to select).
As first test I’ve unflagged all the application that start with app_* in order to deny the access to user management to low level users.
My problem is that when I login as low level user group member I still see all the menu connected to Security main menu while I was expecting that it was hide (just like the admin user menu).
Is it correct what I’m doing ? I hope there is something wrong.
Many thanks

I’ve try deleting all cookies and now something better is going on.
Is still not clear to me if I can set app_Login (the initial application) security to Yes or Not . I mean within the form .
I did a try and (probably obviuously) it says that user is not autorized and the user can’t login.
But on group/application I set all the line of app_Login application to unflagged so I was especting that the low lever user could access to app_Login .
The relationship between the form security flag and groups/applications flags are not clear to me.

How to hide menu for groups in development.

[QUOTE=giovannino;19405]I did three level of membership groups. Top , Medium, Low.
Using Tools\Espress edit I flagged to on all application and all to YES.
I’ve applied all security module and now I’m trying to use the groups/applications matching (table form with all flag fields to select).
As first test I’ve unflagged all the application that start with app_* in order to deny the access to user management to low level users.
My problem is that when I login as low level user group member I still see all the menu connected to Security main menu while I was expecting that it was hide (just like the admin user menu).
Is it correct what I’m doing ? I hope there is something wrong.
Many thanks[/QUOTE]

Hi Menu options still show if you have not turned on security in MyScriptcase option Here:

Go to Options>>>>MyScriptcase>>>>Make sure “Enable use of Security” is enabled>>>>Save

Test after should work, however you will have to run the login page first.

Use security.jpg

I have a problem about security module . Almost I read all same issues like mine, I couldn’t reach any successfull suggestion . I can 't change my users permission in a project. all users can see all apps:( The flag system doesn’t work. Also when I checked DB after update of somebody’s privilege , sec_users_apps table didn’t update . ? How can I do now? I have to solve that. By the way, I reinstall Security Module few times ,after deleted all security tables.I try all possibilities but I couldn’t do it yet.

this is still exist in SC7 but works ok on SC8 as my last try… sometimes ok bugs return after SC upgrades, no wonder :slight_smile:

If you are using the group access permission, try this:

log into the application with admon permitts… then sync the applications and update the permits

That solved it to me last time.
