How insert additional total that makes sum(col A) - sum(col B)

Dear all,

I’ve a grid with 1 credit column (amount_in) and 1 debit column(amount_out) . Values are update within the grid where you record cash in and cash out entries.
Totals work nice but it gives me only each column total. I need also a balance calculation.

Now in the grid report I would like to add a dinamic new total which makes the balance between the sum of two above columns.

Balance = amount_in_sum - amount_out_sum

Any suggestions would be very appreciated


[QUOTE=giovannino;8170]Dear all,

I’ve a grid with 1 credit column (amount_in) and 1 debit column(amount_out) . Values are update within the grid where you record cash in and cash out entries.
Totals work nice but it gives me only each column total. I need also a balance calculation.

Now in the grid report I would like to add a dinamic new total which makes the balance between the sum of two above columns.

Balance = amount_in_sum - amount_out_sum

Any suggestions would be very appreciated

I have the same problem, did you solved it ?

Have you tried to use the detail page? You can display that by default below the grid. I don’t know when the detail is being updated though, so it might be necessary to calculate the balance on forehand and save that to a global variable.

why wouldnt you create a new field, and just assign the calculation to the new field…
then add that to the summary…

That’s by far the easiest way…