I’m trying to use {sc_where_current} to manage the Where clause on SQL to have the filtered display of data as user left before doing a certain action.
So if the user uses the Refined Search then he come back to last filtered display and not , as it is now, to refresh of all fi
SQL has [glo_save_current_where] on the place of WHERE clause.
I set the global variable [glo_save_current_where] as Out on GRID
$save_current_where = {sc_where_current};
[glo_save_current_where]= $save_current_where;
On every row of the GRID I got a text button that link a BLANK application that make, at the end of some checks, an Insert in one table.
Doing the echo of GRID [glo_save_current_where] the value of variable is correct .
When I click the button to redir to a blank application it is still correct becouse being a global value the variable mantain its own value.
The PROBLEM is when I do the REDIR back to GRID from the blank application.
The Refined Search of GRID becomes stucked (it do not show the X to close it) .
Is the REDIR sc_redir(GRID_name); when open the GRID again do the OnScriptInit and put the filter to ‘’ ?
If this is the problem how can avoid it ? It’s strange becouse if I do the same using a Button instead it works perfectly.
Is there a better way to manage this needing ?