How recover applications from previous vers. 8 installation ???

Hi all,

I did a mistake installing a new version 8 without making a previous export of all projects.
New directory V8_new
Old directory V8

Is it possible to recover project making a copy of directories under

C:\Program Files (x86)\Scriptcase\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app

and paste them into

C:\Program Files (x86)\Scriptcase\v8_new\wwwroot\scriptcase\app

The old localhost was connected to port 89
The new one is connected to port 91
New license number works only under 91 (obviously…)

I’m not a tech guy so I’m afraid to make… a mess … :wink:



You have to export the projects from V8 to a directory and import them into the new V8.1 that is the best way.
You have to do that by logging into V8 and do the export there. Since you can not login there now can ask netmake to provide you with key you can use for a few days. For a non tech guy
that would be the best solution.
But first check out how to export and import a project please…

Thanks rr, so you are confirming do NOT brutally copy the old directories into new one… ;-(

Export and Import is the standard scriptcase way. If you ‘just copy’ it might work, but you could make a mess as well. So what’s the problem using export and import?

The problem is that I can’t to connect to old environment anymore.

I think you should contact SC. I think that if you copy the sqlite database file and the dev directories that you should be able to work it out, but I don’t have an adequate view of all the necessary stuff.

I got a temporary license from SC.
I’m here trying to run old environment but I see that there is only the service of new version with port 91.
I’ve tryed also to run as old url but I got only a blank page.

This is the link of the service
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Scriptcase\v8_new\COMPON~1\apache\bin\httpd.exe” -k runservice

In short there is only a service and it’s for new version
What can I do now ??

Go to your services and see if there is an apache scriptcase V8 service (the exact name I dont remember, but you will recognise it) installed.
That service is probably not running in your case, so simply start the service wait about 10 seconds and continute from there.
You should have your old service in your services and your new service. If you dont have the old one then you have probably uninstalled your old one. Then you can reinstall
the service by hand (the old V8 I mean) since it is a normal apache service.
Then just check out so you need then to go to the cmd box where your old v8 httpd.exe is and perform a command: httpd.exe -k install -n “ApacheScriptcase8”