How show Help text on mouse over a column top title/label


I need to add a sort of help text that can be shown when the user goes with mouse over the column title of the grid.
I don’t really know where to start on doing it … ;-(( use this with some custom java coding? I havent tested this out in detail in scriptcase but it should work with some adaptation…

Duh I forgot the easiest way…
Just set the title like so:

<abbr title=“Scriptcase is cool”>Scriptcase</abbr> is used by us over here.


<p title=“The best online learning website on web programming”></p>

Hey RR , thanks !!

Ok. So using Application Language I will do that there {lang_my_title} --><abbr title="Explaining of Column label ">Column Title</abbr>

The title of column will be visible as before “Column Title” and when I got the mouse over I’ll see the "Explaining of Column label " helping text.

Is it correct or I did not understand… ;-((

Hmm I was premature, tho as javascript this is totally valid and working, the issue is finding the right trick/event to get it to work (on a grid).
So if I study the code (F12 in firefox) I see the columns have specific names derived from the field, with numbers added to it.
So the point is then to find an event that gets triggered upon each row display or on when the grid is done displaying.

No, you are right.
Field settings -> Label: <a title=‘Tool Tip’>{lang_col_title}</a>


Thanks !!!
At the end I used this adding also an icon !!! Very nice !!!

<img src="…/_lib/img/grp__NM__ico__NM__cart16.png"><br/><A TITLE=“Under this column
we report the total of products
selected but still not ordered”>Orders</A>

Duh silly me thinking about catching an event whilst I forget the simplest way. Thanx for the reminder…