How to Access Uploaded images

The manual at says after uploading into Project/ General Images,
<quote> The image will be in the folder ?app/project_name/_lib/img? in the development environment and in the production, will be ?/project_name/_lib/img?. <unquote>

I’ve done this and the folder is empty.

Please point out if I’ve missed any step here, thank you.

i have the same problem. I think it has to do with the rights of the tmp folder. but when I want to change the rights (755) I get an error. I tried on several servers but still get the error.

You have to set the directory where to save the files in your project. Once a file is uploaded AND the record is committed (save your record) then the files will be in your directory…
When you do not commit your record then the file will still be in the tmp directory… Just try it out yourself. Upload a file with a recognisable filename and check on the server where it is. THen commit the record and then check where it went to…
At least this is the behaviour for SC8, I havent tested it on SC9

so you have to set this in the form-fields-img- subfolder properties. is it a relative folder from the form itself or absolute?

Well, in the form application you should set the folder path /FOLDER/{FIELDNAMEFORFOLDER}, after that in the grid, you should set the same path as /FOLDER/{FIELDNAMEFORFOLDER}, take care that the setting were applyed on the field. In the application settings there is a setting as “/scriptcase/file/img/” for the image directory, leave that as is, then your uploaded images are in WWW.YOURSERVERURL.COM/APPFOLDER/_lib/file/img/​/FOLDER/{FIELDNAMEFORFOLDER} that is all.

great! nw it works. don’t know what went wrong the first time

He is talking about Image Manager bundled on SC, not runtime uploaded files.

Sorry for the cross posting. But I need help very badly. This is my original query. I want to access uploaded images and not application images. The uploaded images are in a different folder.