How to blink sc_field_style?

Hello All,

I want to blink one of sc_field_style I’m using can you please help ?
For example I want to blink this row … sc_field_style({MACH}, “#DFFF00”);

if({DAUER} < “10”)
sc_field_style({MACH}, “#DFFF00”);
sc_field_style({Status}, “#DFFF00”);
sc_field_style({Duration}, “#DFFF00”);
sc_field_color ({MACH}, “#C0392B”);
sc_field_color ({Status}, “#C0392B”);
sc_field_color ({Duration}, “#C0392B”);


What do you mean with ‘to blink’ ?
Do you want to rapidly switch on and off the field background ?
If so I would reccomend to use javascript rather than a SC macro.

Yes I am trying to do exactly what you said. I tried in Java but without success. Can you share a sample code for me according to the above logic.

Put this code in onApplicationInit

    .blink {
    	animation: blinker 2s linear infinite;
		font-weight: bold;
    @keyframes blinker {
        50% {
        opacity: 0;

Configure the style the way you want it

And add this code in onRecord


It should work with grid and form

Hi, I did it following your instructions. But I didn’t get any reaction when I preview.

Sorry, I forgot that the name of the fields are converted to lower case by Scriptcase in HTML

Try this instead


I don’t know how to thank you. You were very helpful and I solved it thanks to you. I wish you a good year.

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