How to calculate values in Summary view in a Grid App?

I’m struggling to get my head round how to do a calculated value in a summary view. I have a list of shifts which are either filled by a staff member or they are not (NULL) and they are reported in a group by. I have a summary tablel that reports how many shifts (count) and how many staff members (count) - what I want to do is report the percentage coverage.

                     Shifts            Staff           Coverage
Early shift:      50                30                 60%
Late Shift        100              25                 25%

Whenever I try and manipulate the values in onGroupby everything gets messy.

Is it possible?

If you use the Record Count grid fields it have to be the last column of your summary to work correctly, for some strange reason all the grid fields are offset by one if it’s not on the last column.

I have an open ticket with ScriptCase about it, I hope they will fix it soon

Also the total line of the summary doesn’t take care of your math and is usually wrong

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