how to change color?


how to change color of an appointment with sc8??

You can’t unfortunately. The colors apply to the moment before, the moment after the appointment and the current date. Unfortunately they haven’t looked at kevin’s work. He showed - in 7 - that you can display your appointment in different colors. I haven’t been able to test it on 8 so far.

So V8 is supposed to allow you to change colors for each event on a different day yet there are absolutely no instructions on how to do it. I even created a project with all the samples I can’t tell where in the sample you do this. How do you set a color for an event?

This is Kevins work and applies for version 7. I haven’t been looking at it regarding version 8 so I think you need to fiddle a bit. Please share your findings.

Thats the problem, I can’t find anything on how to do this yet their samples which comes with SC have event colors. I’ve looked at every setting and still cannot figure this out.

You cannot change the event colours. Thats a misunderstanding. I thought so too, but in fact they only colour the events before the current day, the current day and future. That’s not what you want I think, at least not me. I would like to be able to colour each event depending on it’s type. There you have to play with the sample of kevin. I simply haven’t had the time to look into v8 for that.


Can I change the background color of the calendar based on the different types of holiday?
I’ve attached a screenshot here. I am using Scriptcase version 9

Hi @Cayenne. Yes you can. You can use event_color field or Category.

Best regards.

Could you possibly show me a sample of what you did? As I want the whole box to change color, but not only the event on that date.

Thank you. But this is not using scriptcase right? You are using Javascript to code the colors

Fullcallendar the one is using SC is a JS library, so you must use thw same language to modify settings

thank you. I will take a look at it. By the way, I am facing another issue in the form which has a few tabs. Are there any way to prompt for unsaved data when you click on another tab?

Not out of the box. You have to apply javascript for this. The tabs are just a placeholder for separate individual apps that by default have no relationship. So the tabs are nothing more than IFrames in a container, and the container has no clue about it’s content.