How to copy project messages from one project to another

There is a function for easily copying applications from one project to another. However, if one has used the Application Language module for translation and placeholders all labels and other text messages, all copied applications will have empty texts unless one can copy the project messages as well.

It will be quite tedious and meaningless work to have to manually reenter all the translations again, but as far as I can see, there is no function for copying the project messages in the Application Language module. Anyone knows of a way to do it?

Translations repository is file-based… so i think you can just copy the desired ones.
Take a look in sc8/devel/conf/grp/yourprojectname/lang/

I had a reply from ScriptCase. It turns out that the copy function will not transfer data dictionary and translated texts.

One has to export the applications from the source project (using the Project -> Export applications menu point) and import them to the target project. This copies everything.

:confused: Not a so good news

Anyway tank you Frank for the update. :wink: