Hello there,
I want to know how can I create a master/detail form of three applications Account, Contacts and Orders.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Hello there,
I want to know how can I create a master/detail form of three applications Account, Contacts and Orders.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Please explain the problem in more detail. Account is Master of Conacts and Orders? If Yes, You must do it same way you create a simple master - detail, Just must create other detail.
I’m new to Scriptcase so bare with me please :-). None of the Youtube videos on master/detail topic is helping my situation.
I have a simple database where one account can have multiple contacts then one contact can have multiple emails and phones. What I want to do is to create form to create/update account and contact name and emails and phones.
What I have done so far is…
1 - Created a grid for all accounts and contacts (grid_acct_cont)
2 - Created form for account (form_account)
3 - Created form for contacts (form_contact)
4 - Created a master/detail link in form_account as master and detail to form_contact
5 - Created an Application link in grid_acct_cont to form_account using iframe
Now, when I click contact link to edit the details of a contact, it does not link directly to contact. It links to account. How can I link it to the contact I select from the grid?
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Create a blank application, and inside the blank application code an html page with different iframes, each iframe should contain your desired grids (these grids you have already created).
Hope this helps!