How to create a simple chart


I am new to SC but I think it should be very easy to create a simple chart application.
I am tring to create such an application , I have read lot of sample pages, and watch vides but no chance I couldn done it.

Even sample page tutorials very old and menus are different. Without good documentation how can we achive this thing.
I have 10 years programming experience and even I facing problems using SC.

I think SC needs more attention to documentation and help / videos.

Hello Ibrahim,

have you tried this example?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Welcome to one of the limitations of ScriptCase!. As publicized you can make charts, but ONLY the result of an summary (aggregation) grid. If your want simply render a chart based on X and Y values is not possible. I’ve requested this to ScriptCase Team (Netmake) but without answer. I’m working on a solution (for my problem) but using PHP events and JQuery to replace one field with chart and integrate it as another element (field) in a form.

En realidad lo que necesito es que cuando selecciona un campo le sugiera el proximo, por ejemplo, Selecciona en el Campo Area: Administracion, le sugiera el valor nn+1, Selecciona en el Campo Area: Informatica, le sugiera el valor nn+1.