idea to create a combo box using various options fields and records created … I have a master / detail form … at the top of the header data of the employee and detail should have a COMBO BOX Type field to choose different options from another table that would be the generator of combo options …
Mmm, I don’t have a full working option, but a few hints to start off. First you can create buttons, but not comboboxes. So you need to work around that. One thing to consider is to create a block in your master and put a custom field into it. So add another block, put it on top, create a new field of type select and put it in the block. If you run the application you will see the block with the combo in top. Now all you need to do is to fill the combobox with the required values and put an ajax onchange event (php) to it. In the event you can set whatever you need to reflect the status of the combobox.
Hope this is helpful.
I created everything from basic way, so still not well handle the tool, and my php is basic so if you can explain me more what they would put in the onchange ajax event … I would greatly appreciate it