How to create link from summary to another application

Is anyone knows how i can create link from summary to another application? For example i want to click on “Formasi” field, and it would redirect me to another applicaiton with some passing variables. Or i click on LOAD, and same will happen. Also not only redirect, but maybe run some script when clicked.

Have you looked at the sc_link(Column, Application, Parameters, “Hint”, “Target”, Height, Width) macro?

yeah, i know this macro, but i dont know where to apply it? in events?

Apply it to the onRecord Event e.g:

$str_hint = "<span class='str'> Click to open '" .{prob_title} ."' Problem.</span>";

sc_link(prob_title, form_problem, id={id}, $str_hint, "_self");

I’ve added a span to it as I prefer to style via a css, but you should get the idea.

It’ll created a link clickable on the column selected (in my case a field called prob_title).

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but this one does not work for summary? i tried already many times, and it is not linking from summary. Here is my code:

“variance.loadid” is group by field in summary.

Sorry @imri, I misread your original post, I was thinking records in a Group By not a Summary of records. I don’t think there’s a way to link from it, at least not from my researching the issue. Seems a bit of a functional gap. I’m also not sure you can do something with JavaScript e.g. using document.getElementById(“SomeID”).innerHTML =… as the table td for summary values have no IDs to target.

Nah its okay @edfenech. Still thank you for the help!

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