How to create Master / Detail reports with multiple pages?


I need to create a report that involves a master table and a detail table. It is not an invoice, but uses a similar structure.

It is the first time that I am going to use a Report application and I don’t know how to configure it to get the report I need.

My questions are. [LIST=1]

  • How can I insert a detail in the report?
  • Since the detail usually uses more than one page, how should I configure the application so that it continues to generate the detail on the pages that are necessary until the detail is finished?
  • I need the report to be generated as a PDF file automatically. Therefore the application must generate the PDF and save it in a specific folder with a specific name.Can I achieve it with a Report application, without the user having to assign the name and choose the folder where it will be saved?
  • I read that the visual design of the form should be placed as a background image. My first page uses a specific design and the additional pages another design. How can I get the application to handle this type of design? [/LIST] Thank you very much for your help.
  • Tengo el mismo problema, como se puede hacer algo como una factura con muchos items, que tomas mas de una hoja?
    Ya que en PDF solo se puede hacer una, trato de buscar una solucion para esto pero nadie tiene una soluci?n, como se puede definir la lineas maximas en la parte de detalle y hacer que imprima cuantas paginas se requieran no importa si usa el mismo fondo en todas, lo importante es que salte bien la pagina y que se pueda colocar ilimitado numero de registros en la parte de detalle.

    Si alguien sabe por favor ayudar gracias.


    IMHO you can use add field and type “subselect” see video from 3:43

