How to display checkboxes?

I am using mysql, so I am aware that there is no BOOLEAN data type.

I am trying to get a checkbox to display on a form. I have tried every numeric data type from BIT to LONGINt, but when I select “CHECKBOX” as the display data type I get nothing. Just the label.

Do I also understand correctly the that CHECKBOX display is not supported in the grid?


Re: How to display checkboxes?

I use TINYINT and then use 0,1

In SC:

DataType: CheckBox
LookupType: Single Value
Edition Lookup: Manual

Then I leave Label -blank- and I set Value to 1
This will display (1) in the listbox to the right. (nothing else)

SC5.009 Will display checkboxes in the grid if you use the new RUN type button.
As usual, the help file is of no help on this new feature.


Re: How to display checkboxes?

That’s what I was doing, but I get nothing. I’ve raised a ticket.

Result - There should be a checkbox next to the Display label above ID:


[SOLVED] How to display checkboxes?

I worked it out. Thanks again Scott.

Re: How to display checkboxes?

In the EDITION LOOKUP, there is no value on the right side listbox.

Leave the ‘Label’ Field blank
In the ‘Value’ field, enter 1 and hit INSERT button


Re: How to display checkboxes?

What was the fix so others can benefit?


Re: How to display checkboxes?

There was a major problem between the back of the chair and the keyboard. It forgot to set some of the options correctly, as you’d alluded. :wink:

(I hadn’t set the edition values)
