How to do an WebHelp app

Hi Friends,

I have writed a Word document with the user_guide of my project, I convert these word document into a html format

How to do a link or button to display these html document and WHERE I have to put these document file ?



Re: How to do an WebHelp app


You could create a link field on each application that uses the user_guide. Or perhaps at the login screen.

Notice that SC also has its own built in tool to create manuals (Tools --> Helpcase).

Bernhard Bernsmann


You could create a link field on each application that uses the user_guide. Or perhaps at the login screen.

Notice that SC also has its own built in tool to create manuals (Tools --> Helpcase).

Is there a plain english guide somewhere on how to implement links to “helpcase” or “webhelp” pages from individual applications? The webhelp option to link a page to an application seems to do nothing <sigh> :frowning:

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Hello GuiGuy,

Please go to:

And then: Tools -> Helpcase.

Bernhard Bernsmann

I’m looking for the same. There is not TOOLS under the link you posted, and search on HELPCASE brings nothing

“Your search - helpcase - did not match any entries of the database.”

Also your HELP shows how to create folder and subfolder for Helpcase but shows nothing on how to implement it !


Yes - I get that now too :frowning:

Tools…HelpCase…bottom Links…setting in the right side !!!