How to execute externally a control app using command line

Hi Friends,

I need to execute a control app that reside in my project, BUT I want to execute this control app externally using a command line as a task at 3:00 am

I’am attached an image file with the files generated by scriptcase for these control app named “control_exportar”, my problem is “What file is the initial file” to call using an url line with parameters OR a command line, etc.

Please, actually ONE person have to login at the project AND call the control App and export the data, BUT I want to do an automate process every night without human intervention.



Re: How to execute externally a control app using command line

Hello Aquiles,

Just a quick though, be aware that there are other alternatives.

You could to log in automatically, and after authentication you could simply access the page.

You could leave that application without security. Than you would be able to access without having to log in.

This brings another problem, anyone would be able to access that application, and some shady user could perform unwanted actions on your system.

To fix that, you could pass some “password” query string (e.j. Notice that by far this is not the most secure approach.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: How to execute externally a control app using command line

Hi Bernhard,

You don’t understand my question, my actual control application is fine, the user login and access the application and execute the data export between two dates OK.

I want skip the HUMAN intervention, I want to execute the same or a modified control application generated by scriptcase BUT executed with a COMMAND LINE

php.exe phpfile.php

the idea is to do this data exportation all nights at certain time directly using the task manager of windows server.

what is the best way to execute ONE application IN THE SERVER environment, and once terminated the application is closed and finish.
