how to generate an url  link to a specific record.

Hi there,

for customers (not users, they don’t have any login) i want to send a link trough mail so that the can alter a record in a form and save the result.

I already understand how to mail a customer i’m not sure how to generate an url link to a specific record.

The situation is as follows

A user (logged in) makes a record in the record is also the email for the costumer.
next i wan’t to mail that costumer so that he receives a link to the record in the database. the costumer is not a user and has therefor no login credentials.

The question is how to build a url link to a record so i can give that link in an email?

any suggestions?

Hi rotrax,

let’s say:
your project uses the domain named
and you have a table with records having a field id
and you want the customer to edit the record with the id=3

Generate a new form with NO security and name it customer_edit for example
go to Form settings > SQL > Where clause
and add there: id = [id_in_url]


Generate the form …

Then your url would be: [INDENT][/INDENT]

When calling the url, the form will show the record with id=3 and let the customer edit the record.

Hope this helps.


He GunterEibl,

I will try and let you know. thanks for the response!

He GunterEibl,

Wel that did work quite well. thanks! for a little security i would like to pas multiple vars through the url. only question… how do you do that with php?

i have this in my php script{bpv_id}&st_id={st_id}”;

but after the & the url in the mail stops (works still though) been seen as url. i tried{bpv_id} . & . st_id={st_id}”;

also not working

any suggestion

has anyone and idea how you can parse multiple vars though an url?

Hi rotrax,
It’s hard to say where the problem is. I assume it depends in the values in {bpv_id} or {st_id}

Usually I would code it like:

$link = “” . urlencode({bpv_id}) . “&st_id=” . urlencode({st_id});

urlencode is a php function to make sure that the string is encoded for URLs.

Maybe better;
But you can also use step 1 in the following sample on my homepage:…ase-form-grid/

This uses an integrated macro of Scriptcase to generate the link and will make sure you’re following all of Scriptcase’s rules.

Hope this will help you.

Best regards

Gunter Eibl - Scriptcase & Open Source projects (German/English) - professional coaching for Scriptcase users (German)

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$_GET[‘varname’] with plain PHP (

[varname] with SC.

great it works like a charm. thx