How to get PHPExcel to work in Control Application

I created excel spreadsheet using the PHPExcel through the SC Blank Application and it works perfectly except for the blank window left behind after execution.

However, I place the code that i have created using the SC Blank Application to a Control Application under the php method, the result of the excel spreadsheet is not readable.

When i attempt to open the excel file generated, the first message that appeared was:

the file you are trying to open is in a different format that specified by it file extension. Is this file trusted …?

When I click YES, the MS Excel open the spreadsheet but another prompt pop-up with the heading “Problems During Load”

“Missing file:… _lib\css\Scriptcase7_BlueSky\Scriptcase7_BludSky_form.css”

Any idea how to resolve this problem.

Hi Leatheric,

I’m just approaching a similar problem.
I founded, as you did, this class (php-Excel) that seems interesting but I don’t want to face your same problems.