How to implement ADD button

I have a project with Master/Detail page. As seen on the picure there is a header (Master) - DiseaseID,…and some other fields. Right below there are several TABs. Each Tab holds a data for DETAIL records. The last Tab (Recipes) has 3 levels (Masater->Detail->Subdetail).
That means that the DISEASE has its Recipe (recipe header), then the Recipe has items.
When I created those records manually, it all works fine. The Edit Record works OK as well. The only problem I have right now is an ADD NEW RECORD button.
Normally this button is added automaticaly. When I run the “Subdetails” App separately I can see the ADD NEW button, but when it is run within the Tab/Nested Grid it idsapears!

Once again: I need to add NEW RECORD buttons for Ingredients and NEW RECORD button for Components. Both of these are children of Recipe table.

Any ideas how to fix this or any solution to work around it ?



You are implementing this as a part of a master detail form which doesn’t work. But an approach could be not creating a master-detail form, but to create separate forms and put them in a container. Then all forms will have their own buttons. Of course you need to keep track of the master-detail relation, but that can be achieved by doing a sc_redir on the required frame. Perhaps not as beautiful as you would like, but it might be a (working) alternative.

yes I understand your p[oint, but why the forms loose their buttons when they are placed in TABs ? It seems like a BUG - doesn’t it ?


I tried your solution but either I’m missing something or SC has another serious bug. When I add a grid App to the Container, when I generate and App SC automaticaly changes it to some other App (in this case FORM). Any ideas ?

When I terst the grid it is still missing the NEW (record) button and I still cannot hide EDIT/DELETE icons, so the same problem persists :frowning:


@Netmake Support: I have the same bug on SC8. Do you know about issue?

Hello Daretzki,

This is actually the default behavior of detail applications. Non-navigation buttons are disabled by default.

Bernhard Bernsmann

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