How to install ScriptCase on preinstalled XAMPP setup on a windows PC?


This is my first post on this forum.

I am using Xampp for my local web development on a Windows PC.

In this I have installed IonCube’s Loader 5.3 as it is necessary to run a few encrypted/binary PHP scripts.

I want to try my hands on ScriptCase. As I have properly setup Apache/MySQL/PHP5.3/etc which is running smoothly I tried to install ScriptCase manually by downloading the relevant zip file followed the tutorial and downloaded Zend Guard Loader and installed it. Restarted by web server. But I am not able to get Script Case to run.

How can I get ScriptCase to run?


Yogi Yang

Soon there’s a webinar regarding manual install of Scriptcase and it allows you to ask questions too. See

registration is free to anyone.

Your xampp may be running a too new php version. That will not properly work since the zend encoder works on php 5.4 versions, not on 5.5.
As far as I know it is the zend loader instead of the ioncube. Anyway the point stays, use the same php version as scriptcase is using also. You are allowed to use 5.4.x where x is the highest number you can find.