How to make an image in header become center ?

I put an image in header and I want the image is align center. But I don’t know how to do it.
If it is a text I can simply use <center> Text bla bla bla </center> and it becomes center.
But it is not working with an image. Can anyone show me how to do it ?

Also wondering the same thing…

My menu options are centered, but my image for my web page is not. Maybe this is really easy for a web person, but for a desktop developer
I’m not sure how to control the image position. Should I change this in the css file? I’m new to sc/php/css/html. :confused:

Thanks for any help…


[QUOTE=ali.dewanto;20235]I put an image in header and I want the image is align center. But I don’t know how to do it.
If it is a text I can simply use <center> Text bla bla bla </center> and it becomes center.
But it is not working with an image. Can anyone show me how to do it ?[/QUOTE]

This is a very hard question to answer as I have realy no idea in what context you are trying to do this. If it’s an image field then if you scroll down you will find a section where you can declare the css of this field. Otherwise you can alway embed the image in a paragraph and align it like <p align=“center”>url to image etc. But in a lot of situations SC is ignoring this and will printout so…

If you are a newbee to css, html etc. the I can recommend looking at w3schools. That’s a great site to learn from.

Hey Albert: thanks for the quick reply. I will check out the site for sure. Its a new journey for me.


[QUOTE=aducom;21121]This is a very hard question to answer as I have realy no idea in what context you are trying to do this. If it’s an image field then if you scroll down you will find a section where you can declare the css of this field. Otherwise you can alway embed the image in a paragraph and align it like <p align=“center”>url to image etc. But in a lot of situations SC is ignoring this and will printout so…

If you are a newbee to css, html etc. the I can recommend looking at w3schools. That’s a great site to learn from.[/QUOTE]