How to make form to reflect added columns to existing tables

Hello All,

I have a database and two basic forms. 1st one is grid form to display the data in grid view and another form to view individual data. Now i have a requirement to add one more column in my table that would totally modify my table structure. How i can make my forms reflect the modifications.

I tried two options.

  1. Recreate two new forms from scratch…It works but i need to make all minor tuning that i performed in original forms

  2. Copied existing form to different name. Tried to add the additional field. But after several attempts i cannot make it work.

Somebody please support

To add a field to a grid you need to modify your sql statement manually and add the field in the select list. Then save and you will find the field in the fieldlist. You might need to add this field to the grid.
To add a field in a form you go to the application section in the left menu and then select ‘synchronize’. Then the field will be retrieved and put into the fields list. It can be that you need to put it on the form yourself.

Thanks aducom,

The suggestion for form worked very well. Thanks for that. But for grid it didn’t work. I have performed following things

  1. Manually modified the SQL select statement and included the new field
  2. Manually added new field with required parameters
  3. The field that was added newly has “recyle bin” icon nearby and orange border in icon
  4. I think the grid lookup should be “NONE” but i make it that way


No you added a custom field. You need to go to the SQL section and add the field in your ‘select f1, f2, fnew from …’. Then save and use.

Sorry aducom for this question.

I am confused. I selected the SQL option under Grid menu but i could not find out any way to add fields…


Most easy way is to create a new application on the changed table, then copy the sql statement fully into your old application. You must add the field by typing the new column into the sql statement. This statement was generated but you edit it.

Thanks aducom. Works perfectly