How to print Image

I have an Invoice App. I need to print customer Logo ine the left top corner (like the one in the screenshoot), but I want the image to be assigned dynamically (upon printing).
I have a variable in the App which holds the image path-filename.
The scenario is quite simple. Each user who prints the Invoice has its own profile with the Logo File. Based on who is logged in I need to print the user logo in the top left corner.
At this moment the Logo you see is part of a PDF template (so it is static).

[ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“title”:“2018-11-13 00_02_02-sc_pdf_20181112235524_99_print_invoice.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.jpg”,“data-attachmentid”:85401}[/ATTACH]

2018-11-13 00_02_02-sc_pdf_20181112235524_99_print_invoice.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.jpg

Hi! I’ve poor results using the builtin PDF application!

I prefer to manually craft a PDF in a blank application using the included library tcpdf. With that library, you can render a standard HTML document in a PDF document. You can query the DB, get results, etc. With HTML, to load a image based on a DB field / result is a easy. (if you know classical php web development)

Any examples of loading image from dB into SC