How to refresh Menu Opening blank application

I have a Blank application that is setup as the Default Application of the primary Menu (Menu => Settings)
This Blank app (lets called it “A”) performs a bunch or processes and also calls other app’s (using,’_self’) )
I need the initial Blank App “A” to refresh every 60 seconds.
Naturally, I do not want the entire menu to refresh but on the result of Blank App “A”. Similar to that as the way you can have a widget refresh in a Dashboard.

Please can someone advise.

This will refresh your app every 60000, it should be in onScriptInit

<script type=“text/javascript”>
setInterval(“window.location = location.href;”,60000);


This has me slightly confused. There is no OnScriptInit event in a Blank application, just OnExecute.

You’re right, in blank app add it in your OnExecute, but for the other kind of app put it in onScriptInit