How to set an image / img alt text for web accessibility?


Is there a way to set the “alt” attribute of an image field in scriptcase? I can’t seem to find the option to do it.

Web accessibility is a mandatory and legal requirement in the region (EU) I work in, which is why I’m trying find a solution to this. In this case to help the visually impaired and enabling a screen reader to assist.

I was hoping to find a property in the image field that lets you point to a database field for the alt text, or even a macro that lets you do this.

<img src="/my-image.jpg" alt="This is the alt text for my image">

Is anyone aware of a method to do this via scriptcase?

If not, I’ll get back to scriptcase and ask them to implement something. As it’s a legal requirement in many countries I think it’ll fair scriptcase well to implement this in some shape or form.
