How to start a COM server???

I have a fine PHP Class called “msaccess”. They start the access application, and exports reports to a given path.
When I start this in my other IDE (Delphi2PHP) than works it fine…

But in sc it doesnt work.

Than I have try it in the onExecute Event of a blank app. Nothing

than i take the class methods in a control app as PHP methods. the methods are working. only the lines:

$access = new com ("accsess.application");
[access]->visible = true;

are buggy. At [access]->visible come an error…
[access] is not the com server…

Whats wrong…? Where is my mistake?
Please give some help i have a date whith my boss at monday…

Re: How to start a COM server???

Welcome to the SC5. Coming directly over from the Delphi world myself, and trying to use D4PHP (what a flop), it nice to see another user from familiar lands. I used D1-2007 before I changed gears and landed here.

I will have to give this a look and see what can be done if anything.

One thing that SC does not have, the several other generators do, is the ability to access the code before,during,after the main code for pre-define classes, etc. SC seems to only provide access once you are in the thick of it. That being said, SC provides the most customization of all the others I have tried.

If I can get several pending options added, this being one of them, then SC would be that much better.
