How to start container maximized?

I know I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, which may explain why I cannot work out how to start a container application in maximised mode.


Afaik you cannot, you need to supply a height in pixels. It’s an jquery issue afaik, not a sc issue.

Oddly enough, Albert, on my development platform setting the maximized flag has no effect other than to provide the maximize icon at the top left.

However, after deployment to the remote server, the container opens maximized. Strange…



Do you have any idea how to maximize the control? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you.


Any ideas guys… Even SC Expert can’t answer this question?

You can’t do it inside SC.
You can do it by hacking the php file of your container application but be warned, you have to do it every time after deployment.

Let’s make the following assumptions:
Name of the container application: container_1
Name of the app you want to run maximized: mygrid_1

You have to substitute those names with the names used in your project.

Open the container_1.php file in an editor.
Find the line <div id=“columns”> and change it to <div id=“columns” style=“display: none”>
Scroll down a bit to the next <div> that begins with <div style=“display: none; …
Change it to <div style=“display: visible; …
Go to the tag: <h3 id=“id-widget-max-title” style=“padding: 0 5px; float: left”>teste</h3> and change/delete teste (it’s just the title)
Still in the same <div> replace: src=“container_1.php?blank=Y” with: src=”…/mygrid_1/mygrid_1.php”
Save the file.

Next time you start your container it should open with the mygrid_1 maximized.
