How to "Use AJAX to reload other fields of type Select"?


    [li]The Form has a SELECT field called agroupid[/li] [li]Dependent on this is another SELECT atypeid[/li] [li]the SQL construct for selecting atypeid is something like "SELECT id, atypename FROM grouptypes WHERE agroupid = {agroupid} ORDER by atypename"[/li] [li]I enable "Use AJAX to reload other fields of type Select" on the SELECT field agroupid so the selection list for grouptypes is refreshed when the user changes the agroupid SELECT.[/li] [li] I correctly flag the field to reloaded in the AJAX part.[/li]

The dependent SELECT (lookup) never refreshes when the user changes the value for {agroupid}. What have I missed? Do I need to reload the whole form as well?


Re: How to “Use AJAX to reload other fields of type Select”?

You should never have to reload a form when using AJAX. That is the purpose of AJAX. Have you looked at the online examples to compare?
Do you have all 3 items populated when you created the AJAX event? (field/event/param)?
It is hard to debug this over the wire. Can you load Firebug/Developer tools and see if you are getting answer back (callback) from the server? NET tab.


Re: How to “Use AJAX to reload other fields of type Select”?

I had everything right AFAIK. Anyway, I “created” and AJAX event for the field’s “onchange” and that got it working. To explain, I had flagged “Use AJAX to reload other fields of type Select” and set the parameters. This had no effect. I then went to “AJAX Events” and created an on change event for the field as well. I padded the event with a comment, which appears in the generated code. On change now triggers the dependent lookup box to refresh. Maybe another SC code generation issue brought on by release .14?

Who knows…