How to Use an Existing Multi-Page PDF File in a Scriptcase PDF Report Application?

Hello everyone,

I have an existing PDF file that contains 5 pages. I want to create a ‘PDF Report’ application in Scriptcase using this existing PDF file as the background for each page of the report. My goal is to use each page of the PDF file as a template or background for corresponding pages in the Scriptcase PDF report.

Here are the specific questions I have:

  1. Is it possible to use an existing multi-page PDF file as a background for a ‘PDF Report’ application in Scriptcase?
  2. If yes, could you provide guidance or steps on how to implement this?
  3. Are there any best practices or common pitfalls I should be aware of when working with multi-page PDF templates in Scriptcase?

I appreciate any help or examples you can provide.

Thank you!

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