How would you approach this request

I have a developed a reporting system where various “Dealers” populate several entries of data via a report form each month. Each entry is a new data row. i.e Dealer 1 might submit 4 reports (data rows) in April, 1 in May, 2 in June et…
I have had a request for a quick view of which Dealers have submitted and those who have not, as long a I know about 1 submission that is fine, it makes no difference whether the Dealer has submitted 1 or 10 times, it is only a problem when they have 0 submissions.

See attachment for requested view and data table example. I am not sure how to approach this request? Grid, Form, ??? Any suggestions / inspiration please.


The question is how to do a select on a table of rows and also manage non-existent rows for those who had no entry that month. Of course you can do that with an sql statement. With inner and outer joins you can achieve such a thing. But then your starting table needs to be the dealer and then join the report data keeping those dealers with no entries in the data. Another approach might be to create a reports table and make a process which is responsable for filling this with the correct data. Presenting data from this table might be a bit simpler then and faster as the join option might take time if the table gets large.