Howto start a simple form application in insert mode?


I want to call a form application from a not Scriptcase source. That form has to start in insertmode.

I tried this:

on the onInit event - sc_apl_conf(“user_form_calendar”, “start”, “new”); But I think I’am to late doing that? Or not?



V5 Scriptcase

Re: Howto start a simple form application in insert mode?

Go to the app Toolbar and add the Insert Button and remove the Update Button.


Re: Howto start a simple form application in insert mode?

I have a non-scriptcase application calling scriptcase forms. Just call the form with:


id = primary key column/field. In my case id is a auto_increment column that will never get a value -1. The form will start in insert mode. This is suggested by SC too. Good luck.

Re: Howto start a simple form application in insert mode?


id=-1 works fine.