HTML Field with Link Configured - No INSERT button appearing


As the title implies. I have an HTML field in a Form. This opens a linked form. If records are present, it should open the first record. If no records are found then it should start in INSERT mode. It is not opening in INSERT mode and there is no INSERT button. This WAS WORKING. Now, upgrades later, it is not working. Is anybody else experiencing this or am I the only one who has this unique situation. Infuriated does not begin to describe how I feel about this.

Does anybody have a solution?

Not sure. Sometimes it’s better to create a new application and copy things from the old one because sometimes it’s a needle in the haystack to find the option to (un)check.

You know Albert, I agree but it gets a little ridiculous when the application seemed to be working and now it isn’t. Nobody has used the application since it worked last and I discovered the problem quite by accident. The only thing that has happened has been incremental updates. This was created in V8. I did see that you posted similar problems recently. My support has run out and I am really feeling reluctant to buy more support when I had zero success with support for a whole year- promises of fixes and when I ask for status update, the request is met with excuses and no update to speak of.

I understand. I didn’t buy additional support as the quality is close to nothing. But for bugs you can always use support and pretend you are a new user evaluating the product. I have good reasons to stay with SC as I do have issues and I am irritated by the lack of quality support, but so far I could cope and work-around. On a regular base (when Marcia is back from holidays) there are webinars where users can drop their questions. I promoted that here intensively and was pretty disappointed that there where soo little users who took advantage of that… Things are changing the good way at SC but it goes sooooooooooo slowly…


Are you still facing this issue?



Are you still facing this issue?


Yes I am facing this problem still.


I am not able to simulate your problem, you have some step by step?