https is not secure because of unsecure link in Android Mobile Template


In my production website I got reported that the site is insecure. Investigation learned me that the link to a background image from the scriptcase_Android_Dark CSS contained the following definition.


The path /scriptcase/devel/conf/scriptcase does not exist in my production enviroment.Should this not be a link to the _lib/css folder in production ?


It depends how and where you have set this reference. If you have set it by yourself then SC will not be able to change that. If it has been a result of a generation then there’s a bug as there is no devel directory in production.

Thanks Albert,

The template is a default one from SC, no changes. All the other links in the template are relative.
So it has been a result from generation indeed. I think development missed one here. No problem there. A fix would be very nice.
The template exists in _lib\css_menu_Theme, Same problem in other projects.

The other css references are relative: background-image:url(’…/…/img/theme_menu_arrowsub_1.png’)
This one is different : background-image:url("/scriptcase/devel/conf/scriptcase/img/menu_img/theme_menu_mainbk_1.png");
Easy to change, but there are a lot of instances of this code.
