sometimes working with the date makes me nuts. I have a problem with dates in a control:
1.) control-app with two date fields. Both set on system date. One multiline-text field, empty.
2.) after changing the dates, I want to call mysql with a select command. The select command is working fine, tested in SQL-builder and mysqladmin.
3.) PROBLEM, the date fields return numbers, I do not know how to convert to the mySQL Date field.
a) Set a date-field, lets call it {a}, to 15 May 2012, in my german enviroment: 15.05.2012
b) echo {a}; returns 125215
c) echo sc_date_conv({a}, “AAAAMMDD”, “aaaa-mm-dd”); returns 1252-15-
d) echo sc_date_conv({a}, “ddmmyyyy”, “db_format”); returns 15-52-12
I would need a return value of 2012-05-15. Whats going on, where is my mistake, what have I to change?
Please help me, or I become insane …