I have a question, I hope someone can help. how to combine 2 projects that are in scriptcase? Suppose I want to combine project management and helpdesk, then I will add my own database to create sales, purchasing and warehouse modules. how to do it, does anyone know how to combine all three? thankyou.
The way to go is to combine the two (or more) databases. I would go by making a view on the databases and tables with the fields you need. Of course make a extra connection with the view in the project concerned
I’m not too sure about your technical things. I have experienced similar things, but in my case, I use PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL has FDW (Foreign Data Wrapper). Many of interaction between data in 2 or more databases, I could use FDW to fulfil the needs or in my case, I could solve it on data layer in the application topology.
If you have 2 SC projects and you want to combine it info 1 project, it’s quite simple actually, just add more database connection, you could have 1 apps using multiple database connection behind it (I have used it also).
Hope this could helps.
Use the copy button at the bottom of the application list. That lets you copy applications into another project.