I need a sanity check…
I have a form that is set to open as new all the time…
After it gets completed it redirects to an edit application…
When a bunch of sub forms are filled out…(nested) (cause I need the id added)
After I add the initial record the forst time there isnt an issue…
Fill out and everything good.
There is a button on the edit app to link back to create a new record…
I do so and add the record and when it goes to the edit application it fails…
Now I am going to paste in the debug sql for the first record added which works fine and then the second record which fails…
The first and second records id’s are in the sql…
(mysqlt): SELECT unique_id, date_entered, status, institition, invoice_number, admin_deduct, original_inv_amt, actual_paid_amt, appeal_amt, invoice_notes, date_of_notice, institution_name, entered_by, revised_inv_amt, interest_charges, invoice_date, balance_due from admin_deducts WHERE (unique_id = ‘212’) order by unique_id LIMIT 0,1
(mysqlt): SELECT unique_id, date_entered, status, institition, invoice_number, admin_deduct, original_inv_amt, actual_paid_amt, appeal_amt, invoice_notes, date_of_notice, institution_name, entered_by, revised_inv_amt, interest_charges, invoice_date, balance_due from admin_deducts WHERE (unique_id = ‘213’) AND (unique_id = 212) order by unique_id
I haven’t a clue on why or how the global variable is being combined.
I have purged before the add is done…
Please tell me you see why…