I need Calendar send email alert


I need Calendar send email alert in the date and time of the appointment.

I add 3 fields in calendar table and sincronize the table with the application.

field email1 (varchar 100) as first email to alert
field email2 (varchar 100) as second email to alert
field alert (int) for flag to activate if alert email send is needed.

How can I do to the calendar send email as alert of the event in the time and date?

Thanks, regards,

Eduardo Cazares

Re: I need Calendar send email alert

You can use the macro sc_mail_send
link : http://downloads.scriptcase.net/downloads/v5/manual/en_us/webhelp/manual_mp/28-Macros/00-macros_sc.htm#sc_mail_send

In the calendar events.

Re: I need Calendar send email alert


I’m trying to do this. Did you get it?
I’m really interested in this possibility.
