I need, store values of array into variable i get all the values with echo succefuly


I need, store values of array into variable (not echo), i get all the values with echo succefuly but when i pass the variable or update a DB table, either it display or update the field with only the last value

Example :

$clients = array(“x”,“xx”,“xxx”);
$arrlength = count($clients);
for ($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
if ($x == 2) {
$OR= “”;
else {
$OR= " OR ";


$all_text = "CLIENT = “. $clients[$x] .” “. $text .” ";

echo $all_text;

sc_exec_sql(" UPDATE etat_rh_users SET condition= '[all_text]' where login= 'MKHIAR5L' ");


any solution?? i have same problem

i think you need to use foreach or a for loop

something like this i did for a similar situation

for ($x = 0; $x <= $rows; $x++) {
$sql=“update system_owners set priority=’”.{neworder[$x][1]}."’ where id_sort=’".{neworder[$x][0]}."’";