I need to reload/refresh a menu application

When I call the sc_redir() function from a different “calling” application, another copy of the menu app (the “called” application), displays it below the first instance. So I end up with 2 menus displayed. What is the correct way to reload/refresh a menu application so that you don’t two of them?

Re: I need to reload/refresh a menu application

in the left pane under “Application” click on “Navigation” and change “Close on Exit” to YES.


Re: I need to reload/refresh a menu application

sc_redir(menu, “”, “_parent”);
sc_alert(“Cambio Realizado al a?o: [manio] con el mes: [mmes]”);

Re: I need to reload/refresh a menu application

Like the suggestion above, look the target of you sc_redir.


Re: I need to reload/refresh a menu application

This sc_redir makes me crazy !

I have a container App !
in one form i do an sc_redir(container_refprodinfo, “”, “_parent”); in onAfterInsert so that it will be reloaded and i could see the new value in annother form in the container!

But what happens is, that the data in the form will not be stored to the DB !!

Re: I need to reload/refresh a menu application

still no solution ?

Re: I need to reload/refresh a menu application


Try changing the target of your sc_redir as Max stated. Anyway, in order to refresh a page you could use HTML Refresh. And to make sure that the page wouldn’t refresh every second you could create a flag to check if the page has been refreshed before.

Html refresh:
<meta http-equiv=“refresh” content=“600”>

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: I need to reload/refresh a menu application

Is it not possible to call a onSubmit function like:

function refreshWidget(wId, wSrc, wRef) {
document.getElementById(wId).contentWindow.location = wSrc;
setTimeout(function() { refreshWidget(wId, wSrc, wRef); }, wRef);

This is your source code from a container aplication !

I have similar requirement. I am displaying selected financial year (using a global variable) in the menu header and I am providing an option to select another financial year. After the selection I will be setting the appropriate global variables and then reload the menu. The menu gets reloaded and also my dashboards are refreshing but the menu header is not changing. Is there way to do a full refresh of the menu including menu header?

Thank you,


I am able to find the solution and for others benefit I am posting it here. It is working for me. I am using sc 9.x. Please note just using sc_redir(mymenu.php); does NOT work; however if I use sc_redir(‘mymenu.php’, financial_year=[financial_year];, “_parent”); it works like charm.
