I think it's a bug


Has anyone tried using “with” clause in the sql statement? I can’t get it to work. My backend database is SQL server 2012, scriptcase 8.1008.

the query is something like:

WITH foo as (select id, name, rank from table1)
Select * from table2 join foo
on table2.id = foo.id

I tested it trying to create a grid application.



Has anyone tried using “with” clause in the sql statement? I can’t get it to work. My backend database is SQL server 2012, scriptcase 8.1008.

the query is something like:

WITH foo as (select id, name, rank from table1)
Select * from table2 join foo
on table2.id = foo.id

I tested it trying to create a grid application.


Scriptcase has it’s own SQL parser and that is limited to mostly ansii standard. I don’t know exactly what your statement does and I think that’s the reason why it doesn’t work in scriptcase as it’s not realy portable. The best way of solving issues like this is to create a view so that there is a simple select to display

That would be a nice upgrade to ScriptCase to provide an option to disable SQL statement validation - letting the RDBMS attempt to parse the statement instead.

Yup, I’m getting around this issue with a view. thank you for the responses, guys!

Agree. The problem is SC needs to parse the SQL to sync fields