I want to select values from another table as datatype

Hi, I have the following tables with the following structure

domain_registerer (wich contains some domains registerer)
id, registerer (int, varchar)

domains (wich contains my registered domains)
id, domain_name, registered_date, expiration_date, registered_in (int, date, date, int)

the registered_in row must contains the id of the corresponding domain registerer in domain_registerer table, but I want to select the domain_registered from a list instead of type the id manually, something like an a <select> html widget with every domain registerer that I’ve added previously in the table as options like: <option id=“table.id” value=“table.registerer”>.

Is there an option to add something like that?


The select type field already does that by default. You just need to implement the select query that’ll be used in the automatic lookup of the field.